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Job Seekers

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A Better Career?

As a job seeker, when you are dealing with United Consult Trust, you are dealing with a reputable recruitment agency that only hires intelligent, knowledgeable and dedicated headhunters whose job it is to assist you in furthering your career ambitions.

  • Our recruiters take every measure possible to put job seeker concerns before profitability. We are very careful about the clients whom we take on.
  • Since our recruiting firm’s inception, we have helped over 500,000 of the most ambitious job seekers to get suitable job placement. It’s what we’re good at and what we do everyday.
  • We preach open communication and take every step available to make the interviewing, negotiation and job offer process fast, simple and lucrative.

How can we help?

Everyone is different, and everyone has different needs. This is why we offer a personalised service and a way of working that deals with individual needs, helping you to fulfil your potential and boosting your confidence at the same time.

We can work with your every step of the way, whatever your story or circumstances. Perhaps you’re returning to work after an illness, or have been long-term unemployed and want help applying for jobs and preparing for interviews?

We can also help you if you’ve had problems with substance misuse, or are an ex-offender having trouble finding work.