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Performance Management

Getting the best

out of your team

There is no doubt that effectively managing the performance of individuals has a positive effect on your business. At United Consult Trust we have experience of various performance management and appraisal frameworks, including an award-winning programme devised for a leading professional services firm.

Performance management needs to be strategic, incorporating the broader business issues and longer-term objectives, linking all aspects of the business, teams and individuals within it. This approach ensures all resources are focused on the same goal and, just as importantly, understand the individual contribution needed to achieve it.

At United Consult Trust we can provide you with a bespoke programme which ensures staff and managers know and understand what is expected of them, have the support required to meet expectations and have the opportunity to discuss and contribute to individual and team aims and objectives.

To ensure the success and full integration of the programme, we will work with managers to ensure they are aware of the impact of their own behaviour on the people they manage, encouraging them to identify and exhibit positive behaviour.